
Class - 8th DAV Subjects
Everything You need to know

Here, we will cover the various topics regarding the Subject Mathematics for Class 8. The concepts that are mastered in the lower classes help us to crack many entrance exams like JEE Main, JEE Advanced, etc. At ABHYASONLINE. IN you can master the concepts at your own learning pace. It provides conceptual testing with an analytical report identifying the weak, moderate and strong concepts. The student can revise the weak concepts with the help of videos and can attempt the remedial test to know the present level of understanding. We at ABHYASONLINE believe that if the weak concepts are identified and improved then every student can achieve their goals in life. Follow the links below to master each and every concept of various topics in  Physics along with video lectures.


Explore Chapters


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Law 4 Power of Exponents

- Law 5 Zero Exponent

- Positive and Negative Integral Exponents

- Standard Form of Exponents and Power

- Statement Sums Involving Exponent and Power

- Simplification of Exponents and Power


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Divide the line segment in the given ratio




Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Symmetry

- Figures with One Line of Symmetry

- Figures with Two Lines of Symmetry

- Figures with Multiple Lines of Symmetry

- Line And Angle Symmetry

- Triangle And Circle Symmetry

- Quadrilateral Symmetry

- Regular Polygon Symmetry

- Reflection Symmetry

- Rotational Symmetry


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Parallel lines and Transversal

- Corresponding Angles

- Alternate Angles

- Interior and Exterior Angles in Parallel Lines

- Co Interior Angles


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Line, Line Segment and Ray

- Collinear Points

- Types of Angles

- Complementary Angles

- Supplementary Angles

- Adjacent Angles

- Linear Pair

- Vertically Opposite Angles

- Angles on a Straight Line


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Ratio and Its Simplest Form

- Comparision By Difference

- Comparison By Division

- Ratio

- Comparision of Ratios

- Equivalent Ratios

- Comparing Quantities Using Ratio

- Difference Between Ratio and Proportion

- Tricks For Ratio and Proportion

- Statement Sums involving Proportion

- Statement Sums involving Ratios

- Unitary Method

- Proportion

- Continued Proportion


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Construction of special types of Quadrilateral

- Construction of Quadrilateral when the length of four sides and a diagonal are given

- Construction of Quadrilateral when length of three sides and two diagonals are given

- Construction of Quadrilateral when length of four sides and one angle is given

- Construction of Quadrilateral when length of three sides and two included angles are given

- Construction of Quadrilateral when length of two adjacent sides and three angles are given

- Construction of Perpendicular Bisector

- Construction of Line Segment


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Properties of Rectangle

- Properties of Rhombus

- Properties of Square

- Properties of Trapezium


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Polygons and its Classification

- Types of Quadrilateral

- Angle Sum Property of Quadrilateral

- Angle Sum Property of Polygons

- Sum of the Measures of the Exterior Angles of a Polygon


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Solving Statements For A Two Digit Number

- Statement sums involving Coins

- Problems Based on Speed

- Solving Statement For Upstream And Downstream


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Solving Linear Equations without Brackets

- Solving Equation with Brackets

- Statement Sums involving Linear Equations

- Solving Statements Involving Age


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Perfect Cube

- Properties of Cubes of Numbers

- Cube Root by Prime Factorisation

- Cube Root by Successive Subtraction

- Cube Root Using Digits

- Cube using Column Method

- Cube Root by Estimation Method

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Cube and Cube Roots]
Cube and Cube Roots
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Square Using Column Method

- Square Using Diagonal Method

- Square Of Number Ending With 5

- Square Root Using Successive Subtraction of Odd Numbers

- Square Root Using Tens and Ones Method

- Square Root Using Long Division

- Finding Nearest Perfect Square by Subtraction

- Finding Nearest Perfect Square by Addition

- Square Root of Decimals

- Approximating Square Roots

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Square and Square Root II]
Square and Square Root II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Perfect Square

- Square of Number 1-50

- Square Root Using Prime Factorization

- General Properties of Squares

- Properties of Square - Based on Ending Digits

- Properties of Square - Unit Digit of Square

- Properties of Square - Difference of Consecutive Numbers

- Pythagorean Triplet

- Number Between Square Numbers

- Properties of Square - Based on Pattern

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Square and Square Root I]
Square and Square Root I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Perimeter of Square

- Perimeter of Rectangle

- Circumference of Circle

- Area of Square

- Area of Rectangle

- Area of Triangle

- Area of Circle

- Area of a Parallelogram

- Area of Trapezium

- Perimeter of Trapezium

- Area of Rhombus

- Perimeter of Rhombus

- Area of Equilateral Triangle

- Area of Path and Verandah

- Area of Composite Figure

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Mensuration I]
Mensuration I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Express as Rational Number

- Express in Exponential Form

- Law 1 Product of exponents

- Law 2 Division of Exponents

- Law 3 Inverse of Exponents

- Product of base when exponent is same


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Time and Work

- Direct Variation With Exponents

- Inverse Variation With Exponents

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Direct and Inverse Variation II]
Direct and Inverse Variation II
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Direct Variation

- Inverse Variation

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Direct and Inverse Variation I]
Direct and Inverse Variation I
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Range of Data

- Bar Graph

- Frequency Distribution

- Data and its Interpretation

- Class Mark

- Class Size

- Histogram

- Pie Chart


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Deck of Cards Probability

- Probability of An Event

- Dice Probability

- Probability Coin Experiment

- Definition of Probability

- Probability of Event not Happening

- Spinning of Wheel Probability

- Favourable and Unfavourable Outcomes


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Factorization into Monomials

- Factorization by Grouping of Terms

- Factorisation Using Square Identities

- Factorization by Middle Term Splitting

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Factorisation]
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Algebraic Identity - Square of Sum of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity - Square of difference of Binomial

- Algebraic Identity - Dfference of Square

- Algebraic Identity -3

- Algebraic Identity - Square of Trinomial

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Algebraic Identities]
Algebraic Identities
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Like and Unlike Terms

- Finding Value of an Expression

- Polynomial Expression

- Degree of a Term

- Degree of a Polynomial

- Standard Form For a Polynomial

- Addition of Algebraic Expression

- Subtraction of Algebraic Expression

- Multiplication of Monomials

- Multiplication of Binomial with a Monomial

- Multiplication of Binomials

- Division of Polynomial by a Monomial

- Division of Polynomial by another Polynomial Long Division


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Simple Interest

- Compound Interest Compounded Annually

- Compound Interest Different Rates

- Compound Interest Time in Fractions

- Compound Interest Half Yearly

- Compound Interest Quarterly

- Inverse Problems on Compound Interest - Principal

- Inverse Problems on Compound Interest - Rate

- Inverse Problems on Compound Interest Time Period

- Problems on Population Growth

- Problems on Depreciation


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Profit and Loss in Rupees

- Profit and Loss Percent

- Finding Cost Price

- Finding Selling Price

- Discount and Discount Percentage

- Finding Marked Price and List Price

- Successive Discount

- Finding Tax


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Ratio and Percentages

- Using OF Operator in Percentages

- Express the Fraction as Percentage

- Express Decimal as Percentage

- Express as Percentage

- Percentage Change

- Successive Percentage Change

- Percentage Increase or Decrease Using Multiplier

- Percetage Increase or Decrease

- Unitary Method In Percentages


Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Cartesian Plane

- Location of Coordinates in a Plane

- Points lying on X-axis and Y-axis

- Quadrants in the Cartesian Plane

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [Introduction to Graphs]
Introduction to Graphs
10 / 10
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Explore Concepts (Click & View)

- Surface Area of a Cube

- Lateral Surface Area of a Cube

- Total surface area of a cuboid

- Lateral Surface Area of a Cuboid

- Lateral Surface Area of a Cylinder

- Volume of a cube

- Volume of a cuboid

- Volume of cylinder

Sample Test(s)
Test Name
Topics / Chapters
Questions / Marks
Tutorial - 8th - Maths [8th Mensuration II]
Mensuration II
10 / 10
View All FREE Test(s)


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